Arizona Pain Specialists
Arizona Pain Specialists case study provided by Ultrex, a Flex Technology Group company

About Arizona Pain Specialists
Arizona Pain Specialists is a medical practice focused on techniques and therapies to aid in pain management. Headquartered in Scottsdale, it is the fastest growing pain management company in Arizona. There are 11 locations in the valley alone, with two more in Nevada and one more in Colorado.
Prior to explosive growth, the IT department was very anti-lease and would acquire equipment by searching on eBay or Craigslist. This wouldn’t be sustainable to the company’s current growth rate, as it wouldn’t hold up with the rapid addition of new locations.
We presented the benefits in a lease protocol for attaining the proper equipment within the timeframes. Ultrex took the burden off of their IT department so that they could focus on other aspects of the company’s growth as. As a current customer, APS was already happy with Ultrex at a service level but this implementation allowed them to see the true value in expanding the relationship. The benefits of having a single source vendor with national coverage became increasingly important as APS continued to expand outside of Arizona.
Ultrex was able to provide a national solution that augmented existing assets with workflow solutions, decreased turnaround, eliminated expenses, and accommodated growth without extra investment. We simplified and expedited the process of opening new locations, which alleviated IT and saved steps in the accounting processes.